August 10, 2009
Jimmy lives in a wood house with a sheet metal roof in Meru, Kenya. He lives with his grandmother. He is currently in grade eight and his favourite subject is science. When he grows up, he wants to become a civil engineer. He works hard in school so that one day he can build his grandmother a house. When Jimmy is not busy with schoolwork, he enjoys reading story books and playing with his friends. His favourite sport is soccer. Sponsorship enables children to attend class every day and have the supplies they need to complete their education, grow up healthy, and achieve their dreams.
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If you wish to pay for your sponsorship through automatic withdrawal from your bank account, please indicate this on the form that will be included with the child folder you receive in the mail.
You may also call our toll free number 1.800.776.6855 to make your request for sponsorship.


Chalice has been serving children and seniors in Kenya  since 1996 in nine sites in both rural and urban communities.

Primary education is free in Kenya; however that does not include mandatory items such as books and uniforms. School infrastructure is poor and there is little investment in other public infrastructure, including hospitals and road networks. Agricultural output is poor because the country relies on rain-fed agriculture, despite increasingly arid climates, which leads to widespread food insecurity. The country struggles with tensions among ethnic groups, which can lead to violence and displacement.

Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
  1. Education - Ensuring each child completes their education until high school graduation, at a minimum.
  2. Nutrition & Agriculture - Our partners implement school feeding programs to ensure that children have a balanced and nutritious meal daily. They also work with parents to become more agriculturally productive with their available local resources and improve their agri-businesses.
  3. Inclusion of marginalized communities - Parents and seniors involved in family circles benefit equally from the sponsorship program’s funding, capacity building, and opportunities.
Our sites in Kenya:

Nairobi Chalice has partnered with ILEG in Nairobi since 1996. Merciline Nifa oversees the sponsorship program, in which academically talented boys and girls who come from poor families throughout Kenya are supported through post-secondary education alongside those of more privileged backgrounds. Sponsorship contributes to costs of boarding and educational materials.

Starehe Girls - Chalice has partnered with the Starehe Girls' Centre for Education and Excellence in Nairobi since 2013. Directed by Sr. Jane Soita, the sponsorship program supports academically talented girls who come from poor families throughout Kenya. Girls are given the opportunity to study towards a university education alongside those of more privileged backgrounds. Sponsorship contributes to costs of boarding and educational materials. Most of the students who graduate from Starehe schools go on to university. Chalice also supports their school garden, from which they are able to grow all of the produce for their meals.

Baraka - Chalice has partnered with the Carmelite Brothers of Mary Immaculate (CMI) from India in the rural regions surrounding the small town of Nanyuki since 2005. Directed by Fr. Jose Martin, CMI, the site runs the sponsorship program for both children and the elderly. In addition to sponsorship, the site runs a farming program which allows them to produce food on school land to supplement school feeding and use the schools as demonstration centres. Family circles provide complementary services including training, subsidized farming inputs, storage, and transport.

Mercy Care - Chalice has partnered with the Franciscan Clarist Sisters of India in the remote village of Kamuwongo since 2006. Site director, Sr. Francelit, oversees the sponsorship program for children, many of whom are orphaned, abandoned, or from broken homes. The Sisters also run a primary boarding school. To combat high rates of malnutrition, the site supports several school feeding programs. The site also provides medical assistance through a dispensary and extends them to the “out stations” through a mobile clinic.  

 - Chalice has partnered with the Good Shepherd Sisters of Kenya in the region of Meru since 1999. Under the direction of Sisters Jane and Pauline, the Sisters run the sponsorship program in both urban and rural communities. In addition to sponsorship, the site runs a farming program which allows them to produce food on school land to supplement school feeding and use the schools as demonstration centres. Family circles provide complementary services including training, subsidized farming inputs, storage, and transport.     

Mikinduri - Chalice has partnered with the St. Jude Catholic Sponsorship Program in the settlement in Kenya’s eastern region since 2008. Under the direction of Carolyne Gacheri, the site oversees the sponsorship of children, as well as a farming program which allows them to produce food on school land and provide the children a daily noon meal.  A nutritionist monitors the community and provides training in food preparation, dietary requirements, and sanitation. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides adult literacy classes, health workshops, and demonstrations of farming methods to improve food security.  

Mombasa - Chalice has worked in Mombasa since 2001, partnering with the Sisters of St. Joseph. The site is situated on the outskirts of this coastal city, where the city’s poorest families live. Under the direction of Sr. Janefrances, the site focuses on orphans, vulnerable children, widows, single parent families, and those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. The parents and guardians of sponsored children receive micro-finance and financial literacy training, as well as sessions on good hygiene practices, sanitation, nutrition, and parenting.  The site works with the parents to promote livelihood improvement through small business development. 

Saidia - Chalice has partnered with the Saidia Children’s Home (orphanage) in the town of Gilgil since 2011. Everlyn Muhahala directs the sponsorship program in several schools in the community, based out of the orphanage.  The site serves a transient and internally-displaced population, and HIV is prevalent. All sponsored children have a baseline pediatric assessment done, including general health, eye, and dental checkups. Several schools within the site have gardens which grow enough food to conduct daily school-feeding programs; some even have excess to sell for profit.

Asembo (aka Rafiki-Ogwedhi) - Chalice has partnered with the Franciscan Sisters of St. Anne in the villages around Asembo in Kenya's Nyanza province ,since 2008. Sister Miriam Jagugo directs the sponsorship program, which is supported by the Chalice Nutrition Fund. Agriculture projects have been implemented, and sponsored families are introduced to good farming methods through community-run resource centres and work with groups to promote sustainable small scale agri-businesses. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides training to parents and youth in nutrition, HIV/AIDS care, diabetes, geriatric nutrition, micronutrient supplementation, kitchen gardening, nutrition-sensitive agriculture, meal preparation, nutrition, and oral hygiene.

Sponsorship FAQs

What should I know before I become a sponsor?
  • That you are going to make a great difference to a child (or elder) and their family!
  • Sponsorship is $42 per month or $504 annually. There are multiple methods of payment.
  • Children are enrolled for sponsorship based on need and family circumstances, regardless of race, age, ability, gender, or religion. The children are not necessarily Catholic, although many are.
  • Sponsorship does not necessarily end at age 18. If your child pursues further education, you can still sponsor (at the same rate) for as long as s/he is studying.
My charitable giving decisions are based on research and financial trustworthiness. Why choose Chalice?
  • Chalice has an A rating and is ranked in the Charity Intelligence Top 100 charities.
  • For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management, Chalice commits 90.2 percent of its spending in support of programs.
  • Chalice’s sponsorship model pairs one child with one sponsor. Read more about our family funding model, which is unique in Canada.
  • Chalice is in control of distributing funds. The distribution of funds is mandated by Canada Revenue Agency regulations. We are audited by an external auditor and internal auditor. All the funds that are sent to the sites are audited on a quarterly basis.
  • You can read our Annual Reports and financial statements at any time. Check out Annual Report & Financials.
  • Chalice respects our supporters’ privacy. We keep all information on our supporters (and sponsored children) in a very secure system and do not release names or other information to other organizations.
  • Chalice is a registered charity in Canada under the Income Tax Act. Our CRA Registration Number is 13759 1012 RR0001.
There is so much need in the world... how can I choose a child/elder?
  • There are no “wrong choices”- every child or elder is in significant need of sponsorship. If there is a country, age, or gender that speaks to your heart the most, then feel free to let that guide your decision.
  • You can also contact us and we will help you choose.
  • If you are concerned about the duration of your sponsorship, perhaps consider an older teenager who may only need a few more years of support to complete their education.
I’m a sponsor! What does that mean for me?
  • You will receive correspondence from your child every year at Christmastime. This will include a new photo, a letter from your sponsor child and a status report from a Field Worker. You will also receive a Christmas card along with a sponsor site update from the Site Director.
  • If you need to change your mailing address or anything else about your personal information, just contact us.
  • You can write to your child at any time. We highly encourage this! Your sponsored friend would love to know more about you and your family. Many sponsors build strong bonds through their letters. Learn all about how to write to your child. 
  • We do not facilitate email correspondence or encourage social media connections. This protects both you and your friend’s safety and privacy.
  • You will get an official tax receipt for the full amount of your sponsorship. Income tax receipts are issued each February for donations processed in the previous year.
Can I do more?
  • You can send your child/elder extra funds, of any amount, any time you wish. These are called gifts of ‘special money.’ Many sponsors like to send extra amounts around Christmas or their child’s birthday.
  • If you become aware of any special needs for your child or their family, please contact us. We will contact the site on your behalf to get more information on how you can best help.
When does sponsorship end?
  • In a perfect world, either when the young person finishes their studies and enters the workforce, or their family reaches a level of income stability that they no longer need your financial support.
  • However, sometimes they must exit the program because they or their family moves or chooses to withdraw for personal reasons.
  • When your current sponsorship relationship concludes, we will contact you about your decision to sponsor another child or elder.
What if I can no longer sponsor?
  • We understand that personal circumstances change, and you may contact us to cancel your sponsorship at any time.
  • Please be assured that your child/elder will not lose their benefits. Chalice will continue to support them until they are paired with a new sponsor.
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