April 18, 2017
Dylan lives in a brick house with a tile roof in San Jorge, Paraguay. He lives with his mother, brother, and two sisters. He is currently in grade one and his favourite subject is art. When he grows up, he wants to become a police officer! He enjoys drawing pictres and playing soccer during his free time. He enjoys spending time with his friends. Dylan is a quiet and sociable boy. Sponsorship enables children to attend class every day and have the supplies they need to complete their education, grow up healthy, and achieve their dreams.
- Category: Countries
Chalice has been serving children and seniors in Paraguay since 2012 in 4 sites in primarily urban communities. Compared to neighbouring countries, there are very few international NGOs working in Paraguay. In the communities where Chalice works, there are no other similar supports. Our family circle-based sponsorship program is highly distinctive in this country.
Children in Paraguay are at a high risk of dropping out of school to find work, exacerbated by the high cost of education after junior high and the few opportunities for post-secondary education. Families who live outside major urban centres have extremely little access to public services. In the communities where Chalice works, families struggle with high rates of domestic and criminal violence.
Through the support of sponsors and donors, Chalice and our local partners focus on:
- Education – Paraguay sees high rates of children dropping out of school to find work. Chalice places emphasis on after-school support programming to keep children in school.
- Nutrition – our partners ensure children have balanced, nutrient –rich diets by implementing school feeding programs through the support of the Chalice Children Nutrition Program.
- Livelihood - providing opportunities for parents to find work or begin their own income-generating projects
Pukavy – Our Pukavy sponsor site is in the city of Luque, Paraguay. Chalice has sponsored children in the site since 2004, first under the direction of Dominican Sisters. The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians have been directing the site since 2022. Pukavy means ‘smile’ in the local Guaraní language. The site runs the Loma Merlo Soup Kitchen, provides healthcheck-ups and trains parents in baking, embroidery, sewing, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
CMAVIL - Our CMAVIL sponsor site is in the Villeta district of Paraguay, in both urban and rural communities. Chalice has partnered with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, a Salesian congregation, to run our sponsorship program here since 2012. CMAVIL stands for Centro Maria Auxiliadora – Villeta. The site runs an Open Centre, where children come before or after school for homework help, a lunch program, and social recreation. Also, skills and entrepreneurship training for mothers is offered.
Don Bosco – In 2013, Chalice partnered with the Don Bosco Róga Foundation in the cities of of Itaugua and Capiata, which are located just outside the capital city of Asuncion. Fr. Néstor Ledesma oversees the sponsorship program for both children and seniors in the community who are struggling. In addition to sponsorship, the site provides an employment opportunities program for adults and workshops to improve families’ spiritual, socio-economic, and environmental well-being.
Ayolas – Chalice has partnered with the Diocese of San Juan Bautista de Las Misiones in the city of Ayolas since 2013. Under the direction of Javier Duarte Cristaldo, the site runs Chalice’s sponsorship program from a Centre for Children and Adolescents. The site offers after-school support, as well as workshops for adolescents on substance abuse and skills training for mothers. The site has a partnership with a local health centre to provide regular medical check-ups, such as ophthalmology and dental. The Chalice Nutrition Program provides nutritious food, with the help and advice of a professional nutritionist.