Sasidharan is an ambulance driver and the father of sponsored brothers Rajesh and Deepthy, both of whom have physical disabilities.

Chalice critical needs - Medical expenses for Sasidharan, Kerala, IndiaThe 65-year-old is the sole breadwinner of the family, and his adult children rely on him for their daily needs.

Sasidharan started running a high fever. Alarmed, he went to the hospital. He was diagnosed with dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease that can be very serious. He was hospitalized for six days. The doctors discharged him in stable condition, and he went home to recover.

The hospital issued Sasidharan a bill for $266.70 CAD. On top of his family's daily needs and his boys' treatmnts, this amount is high above the family's humble budget. The Kerala sponsor site staff have therefore requested to pay the bills on the family's behalf. These funds cover Sasidharan's diagnostic scans, hospital and lab charges, medicine, and nursing care.

Funding Request: $266.70 CAD
Critical Need: CN IKH1122

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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.

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