Cyril is 21 years old and just completed his Bachelor of Engineering. For the last two years, he has been trying to study while managing chronic kidney stones.
Even though he was under medication, pain alerted him to yet another kidney stone in early August. An ultrasound confirmed it was in his right ureter and required surgical removal. He was hospitalized for two days and discharged in good condition. He is under medication and feeling better now.
Cyril’s father, George, works at Chalice’s Tamil site office. His colleagues knew of Cyril’s ongoing health troubles, and that this recent hospitalization would incur medical expenses that were beyond the family’s means. The bills come to $825.41 CAD, which include Cyril’s diagnostic scans and tests, hospitalization, surgery, and medication. The Tamil site staff have put forward a request for assistance with these charges, so that Cyril can focus on starting his career as an engineer.
Funding Request: $825.41 CAD
Critical Need: CN ITP0822
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Please note that any donations that exceed the request will be used to fund other critical need emergencies that may arise.