Photo Friday: Our top 5 ‘Simple Joys’’ photos!

Welcome to Photo Friday! Each Friday, we share photo collections of our favourite shots from our sponsor sites around the world.

In First Timothy 6:2-12, Timothy famously writes that, “The love of money is the root of all evils.” It’s easy for us to be led astray by pursuit of money and goods, but it’s the simple, small joys that give life its beauty.

Even without money, we can still appreciate all that God has given us – and indeed, doing this may bring us closer to God.

This Friday, we’re sharing our top 5 ‘Simple Joys’ photos. When times are hard and money is tight, it can be hard to find joy in the everyday. But with God’s help, we can realize there is so much to rejoice in!

#5: A Safe Home

Mary is all-smiles! She lives near our Baraka site in Kenya with her eight children, and their home was a small clay building where they cooked and slept. With all the smoke billowing about, she developed troubles with her eyesight.

With the help of Chalice supporters, she has a new house. We must never underestimate the simple power of a roof over one’s head.

#4: Friendship

What’s better than going through this life alone? Journeying with friends, of course! Friendship, especially as children, isn’t decided by money or social class. It’s just about having an open heart and mind, so you can love someone else the way God loves them. Joy doesn’t get simpler than that.

#3: Learning New Skills

There’s such simple joy in learning something new! These women at our School for the Deaf site in Ghana took part in a tailoring class. Developing new skills doesn’t only help you advance in life; it helps you learn about yourself and what you enjoy.

#2: Simple Netball

A simple game of netball builds camaraderie, teaches teamwork and is pretty darn good for you, to boot. Whether at our Kawambwa site in Zambia or in Canada, playing sports with friends and family is a great way to exercise and have fun!

#1: Fresh Fruit

It’s a particularly satisfying crunch, biting into a fresh fruit or vegetable. Bonus points if you grew it yourself! It makes all the hard work worth it.

At our Mbinga site in Tanzania, site staff grow a variety of organic fruits and veggies. It provides a nutritious boost to sponsored and non-sponsored children.

Follow Chalice on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates from our sponsor sites, impact stories, and more! Be sure to check back next week for another Photo Friday.